Why I VOLUNTEER - Robert E. Hatfield, Jr.'s Story

We at United Way thought our blog offered a perfect opportunity for others to share their experiences with Orange County United Way and to express why they GIVE, ADVOCATE or VOLUNTEER in our community.  The following is a statement given to us by this year's Marion S. Murphy "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" Award winner:

Robert E. Hatfield, Jr.
Vice President of Government Banking
Citizens Bank

“My introduction to United Way came on October 10, 1969. I remember the date because it was my fifth day at my new career with The Prudential Insurance Company of America. It was also the day that the Newburgh office kicked off its annual United Way campaign. I saw a film that showed three short stories about common people helping their neighbors. However, one stood out above the rest. It was the story about an elderly gentleman showing a group of young teenagers how to create a community vegetable garden for the neighborhood. It was my first introduction to “sweat equity” and it reminded me of the Newburgh I grew up in. Needless to say, the garden was a success and the neighborhood pride was measured in smiles. This story, like the other two, created a very emotional decision in me to help my community as best as I could. So, 42 years later, the love affair with United Way still exists. Lucky me!”

~ Robert E. Hatfield, Jr.

Click here to view Orange County United Way's Annual Dinner journal and read more about Bob Hatfield's amazing 42-year volunteer history.

We'd like to start a community dialogue, so please feel free to share your story of why you GIVE, ADVOCATE or VOLUNTEER in your community.

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